Welcome to Theo Katjimune Primary School

At Theo Katjimune Primary School, we provide quality education that empowers our students to reach their full potential and become responsible global citizens.

Discover Excellence in Education

At Theo Katjimune, we believe that every child deserves the opportunity to reach their full potential. That’s why we strive to provide an enriching and supportive environment where students can flourish academically, socially, and emotionally.

A Holistic Learning Environment

At Theo Katjimune, we believe that true learning extends beyond textbooks and exams. It encompasses a rich tapestry of experiences that cultivate creativity, critical thinking, and personal growth.

Engaging Parents and Community

We recognize that parents are a child’s first and most influential teachers. That’s why we strive to create a welcoming and inclusive environment where parents feel valued, informed, and empowered to actively participate in their child’s education journey

Holistic Education Approach

A Balanced Curriculum

At Theo Katjimune Primary School, we believe in nurturing the whole through a balanced and comprehensive curriculum that goes beyond academics to encompass all aspects of development.

Parent and Community Involvement

At Theo Katjimune Primary School, we firmly believe that education is a collaborative effort that thrives on the active involvement of parents

Nurturing Learning Environment

we understand that a nurturing learning environment is essential for students to thrive academically, socially, and emotionally

Empowering Students

we are dedicated to empowering students to become confident, resilient, and self-directed learners who are prepared to tackle the challenges of the future with courage and conviction.

Explore Our Services

Discover the various programs and opportunities available at Theo Katjimune Primary School.

Academic Excellence

Physical Education

STEM Education

Community Engagement

Ready to join the Theo Katjimune Primary School community?

Total Students Enrolled


Alumni Success Rate


Passing Exam Rate


Parent Participation


Parents Testimonials

Read what clients have to say about their positive experiences with Theo Katjimune Primary School.

As a parent, I couldn’t be happier with the education my daughter is receiving at Theo Katjimune. The school’s holistic approach to learning has helped her develop a love for learning and a strong sense of self-confidence


Both of my children attend Theo Katjimune, and I couldn’t be more impressed with the quality of education they are receiving


Ready to join the Theo Katjimune Primary School community?

Experience the exceptional education and nurturing environment at TKPS! Be a part of our global community today.